Free Flow Feltro

Feltro brings new meaning to the principle that form follows function. The debut product from this Toronto-based design company is a series of modular tiles of bright coloured felt singular in form yet infinite in possibility—It’s a game, it’s a structure, it’s a costume, it’s a sculpture!

Enter a room where a feltro play space is in action and you will find a sea of activity with no particular direction but to exercise the imagination. Feltro tiles embody the versatility of felt—soft yet structural, firm yet pliable and saturated in rich tones—full of inventiveness with couture flair. All tiles are the same shape with magnetic connectors seeming simple at first, but creativity is often best expressed when presented with such limitations.

The price may be high for the average pocketbook, but a set of feltro tiles costs less than an x-box, and will provide endless game experience and interactivity that is face to face. Feltro’s m.o. is play, and it’s evident that their rules of design are explore, experiment and enjoy. KW

LEFT: Feltro Play hosted by gravitypope, Toronto
RIGHT: Feltro Display, storefront window at gravitypope, Toronto Offsite Design Festival 2017

Photo credit: thumbnail image by Si Hoang for Feltro


The Art of Maria Hupfield