Toronto Metropolitan University
Feature wall in Library
School of Interior Design student project
Through a course led by Kathryn Walter, students were introduced to the material and culture of felt. Walter provided an opportunity, via a class competition, for students to create a permanent installation of felt in the University's library.
Students participated in teams and produced prototypes and proposals that underwent a review by their peers, the instructor, representatives from the Library (the client) and industry professionals including GHA architects, the designers of the Library’s recent renovation.
The selected project, Cosine, was designed by students Valeria Gulia and Adriana Lychacz. It was fabricated in panels at the FELT studio by the designers and their peers, led by Kathryn Walter, and installed by Builtwork Design on the seventh floor next to the Interior Design collection with lighting provided by the Library.
Cosine takes the specificity of the Library site into consideration using the form of waves to represent the idea that knowledge is in a constant state of flux. The material is used effectively to shape soft forms that appear to bulge from the surface. A contrasting red felt, formed in smaller waves, is seen only upon closer look beneath each undulation. Almost body-like, this warm interior wall offers a striking balance to the building’s surrounding concrete structure.
This project was sponsored by FELT studio and Interior Felt Inc.
LEFT: Review of students' proposals with architects Valerie Gow (centre) and Library staff Bob Jackson and Sonny Banargee
RIGHT: students fabricated Cosine at the FELT studio
LEFT: site before
RIGHT: Valeria and Adriana during installation